Senin, 27 Februari 2017



TITLE             : SEMANTICS
POST BY        : DEWI AYU TRI ANJANI at Academia edu
PAGES            : 6

2.1  Definition and Object of Semantics
            Semantics is the study of meaning in language. As a branch of linguistics, semantics interconnected with other linguistics’s scope like syntax, phonology even morphology. This relation has shown by Wallace L.Chafe in 1970, whom proposed a theory called Generative Semantics Grammar,entitled  Meaning and Structure of Language. Semantics is generally considered to be the study of meaning (and related notions) in language, while in the field of logic, semantics is generally considered to be the study of linguistic reference and truth conditions in languages. Semantics as a study of meaning must include sense-the meaning of the words and sentences without relation to the world outside and reference-the meaning of the words or sentences in relation to the world outside. Hence, the study of meaning in language must include the meaning of words, sentences, and utterances,namely sentences which are used in context.
2.2 Theory In Semantics
·         Model theoretic semantics
  • Originates from Montague's work (see above). A highly formalized theory of natural language semantics in which expressions are assigned denotations (meanings) such as individuals, truth values, or functions from one of these to another.
  •          Formal (or truth-conditional) semantics
Pioneered by the philosopher Donald Davidson, another formalized theory, which aims to associate each natural language sentence with a meta-language description of the conditions under which it is true.
  • ·         Lexical semantics
      A linguistic theory that investigates word meaning. This theory understands that the meaning of a word is fully reflected by its context.
  •          Computational semantics
Computational semantics is focused on the processing of linguistic meaning. In order to do this concrete algorithms and architectures are described.
2.3 Approaches to study Semantics
            There are two approaches to the study of meaning in language, those are; The Contextual Approach and The Menatlistic approach ( Leech, 1981; Palmer, 1982).
A.    The Contextual Approach
The contextual approach to meaning views meaning in language in terms of context, situation, or use. This approach necessitates the existence of an external stimulus that triggers the human brain to produce meaning as a response to the stimulus. 
FERDINAND DE SAUSURE --Course in General Linguistics
 Examples of these elements include his notion of the linguistic sign, which is composed of the signifier and the signified.
B.     The Mentalistic Approach
The mentalistic approach to meaning in language views meaning as concepts, ideas, images, and associtions which are stored in the long-term memory of the human brain; meaning is inside the brain. According to the Caroll ( 1986;257), concepts, ideas, images , and the associations are derived from mentalese- the mental representations of world reality. Charles Kay Ogden and Ivor Armstrong Richards identified that understanding comes from within the people rather than from the words they just interpret. They set a model called “The Triangle of Meaning” for better understanding how language works and basically it is a theory of signs. The triangle  is meant to show the word’s relationship between thoughts and things.

     The Word love makes a different sense to different people. The way in which they understand this word must be in reference with their experiences and ideas relating to this word
     In America, socialism and communism are considered as a negative word. People even use the word communist to degrade other people. whereas in china the word communism is much of a great word and idea.


3.1 Suggestions
As a part of language , semantics has scope and interconnected with others linguistics scope in a language meaning, such as syntax, phonology, and even it in the discussion of word structure-morpheme; furthermore, any attempt to study language can not secape from the study of meaning is. However, the study of meaning in traditional linguistic has not clearly shown what meaning is, so it’s really important to study about semantics.
3.2 Conclusion
            Semantics is a study of meaning and as a part of grammar in language. As a study of meaning , semantics include of words, sentences and utterances meaning. It always interconnected with other scope ; just like syntax, phonology and morpheme.
            In lingustics, there aare some theories of Semantics ; for instance,Lexical Semantics, Formal Semantics, compositional Semantics, etc. Those are the theory which talk about meaning. To study about semantics, we can approach by two ways. First, contextual approach. It approaches the meaning in language in terms of context, situation or use. Second, mentalistic approach. It approach to meaning in langauge  views meaning as a concepts, ideas, images and associations which are stored in the long-term memory of human brain: meaning is inside the brain.
The strengthness of this journal are:
 ThisJurnal has a great definition with the discovery of theexperts, and then explains the theories in the 
semantics, and approaches to studying semantics .
The Weakness:this journal does not clearly explain the examples of what it was semantics, 
does not clearly explain the examples of what it was semantics, semantic parts and its kinds.

Adisutrisno, Wagiman. 2008. Semantics, An introduction to the Basic Concepts. Yogyakarta : ANDI Yogyakarta
Hurford, J.R . 2007. Semantics, A Course Book. Cambridge
Thomason, Richmond H. 2012. What is Semantics. Education.

3 komentar:

  1. Hi Mike !! Nice explanation. But would you mind to add more strenghtness and also weakness of this article. Because it is to general. Maybe you can add the style of writing this article.

  2. I like your explanation. But in your review on this blog is too long for article that has 6 pages. I hope you can make it sort

  3. Hi mike.. nice article..
    Please make it simple mike.. 😊😊
