Selasa, 19 April 2016


Morphology is the identification, analysis and description of the structure of words, practiced by morphologists.
This chapter will largely follow the morpheme-based theory of morphology, but a description of other views of morphology will be presented at the end.

Classifying Morphemes

Morphemes are categorised thus:
  • Bound morphemes: They cannot stand alone, i.e. they are affixes.
    • Derivational morphemes: We change the grammatical category or the meaning of the word. Examples are re-, de-, un-, -ness, -ly and so on.
    • Inflectional morphemes: We do not change the meaning or grammatical category of the word with these. We use them to mark plurality, tense, agreement, case and so on.
  • Free morphemes. They can be used alone.
    • Lexical morphemes: They represent the concepts of the message we wish to bring across. Ship, orange and president are some examples. They are an open set of words in a language.
    • Functional morphemes: They are functional words, like determiners, pronouns, conjunctions and so on. Whatever, because and against are some examples.

In linguistics, Morphemes are indicated by brace marks ({} ).
     As we know that in English, the case of plurality is indicated by adding “s” to the singular nouns.
Singular                                                                    Plural                  
Ø Book                                                           Books
(Consist of morpheme {book} and morpheme {s})                   

Ø Table                                                          Tables
(Consist of morpheme {table} and mopheme {s})                  

Ø Bag                                                   Bags 
(Consist of morpheme {bag} and morpheme {s})                  

Ø Thus, in the example , each word has two Morphemes.

In one of the patterns of tense marker in english grammar is indicated by adding “ed” to the past tense regular verbs.

Present                                                           Past

Ø Deliver                                                        Delivered
( Consist of morpheme {deliver} and morpheme {ed}
Ø Learn                                                 Learned
( Consisit of morpheme {learn} and morpheme {ed}
Ø Pick                                                   Picked
(Consist of morpheme {pick} and morpheme {ed}
Ø In these example, each word also has two morphemes. 
v How many Morphemes do these words contain ?
·        Plays
·        Replay
·        Cheap
·        Cheaply
·        Cheaper
·        Able
·        Unable
·        Brighten
Word :                                                        Number of  Morpheme
Play                                  { 2 } morphemes (play) and (s)
Replay                              {2} morphemes (re) and (play)
Cheap                               {1} morphemes (cheap)

Cheaply                            {2} morphemes (cheap) and (ly)

Cheaper                            {2} morphemes (cheap) and (er)

Able                                 {1} morphemes (able )

Unable                              {2} morphemes (un) and (able )

Brighten                           {2} morphemes (bright) and (en)

There are two kinds of morphemes:



    A free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with meaning, such as the words that we saw earlier :
ü {book}
ü {table}
ü {bag}
ü {deliver}
ü {learn}
ü {pick}

All of these morphemes are FREE MORPHEMES .

   A bound morpheme cannot be uttered alone with meaning. It always added to one or more morphemes to form aword. The following morphemes are taken from the previous. Example:
·     {s}                              in                plays
·     {re}                            in                replay
·     {ly}                            in                cheaply
·     {er}                            in                cheapter
·     {un}                           in                unable
·     {en}                           in                brighten
All of these underlined morphemes are BOUND MORPHEMES .

Mention the free and bound morphemes of the following words :
1.     Undo
2.     Disagreement
3.     Beautiful
4.     Friendship
5.     Meaningless

WORDS :                      FREE MORPHEMES                       BOUND MORPHEMES
Undo                   {do}                                               {un}
Disagreement      {agree}                                           {dis}, {ment}
Beautiful             {beauty}                                         {ful}
Friendship          {friend}                                          {ship}
Meaningless        {mean}                                           {ing}, {less}

Whereas “ free morphemes”
Constitute words by
Them selvers
“bound morpehems” are
Never words but always parts of words
Ø BOUND MORPHEMES mostly refer to morphemes that can occur as affixes. The affixes which precede free morphemes (words) are called prefixes and those which follow free morphemes (words) are called sufixes .

·        Oval: SUFFIXESOval: PREFIXESDIS                                                   - LY
·        UN -                                                  -NEST
·        PRE  -                                               -ISH
·        TRANS –                                          -ITY
·        BI -                                                    -ER




 The core difference between the two being that the addition of the derivational morphemes creater new words or mostly changes the word classes/ identify/ category; while the addition of inflectional morphemes merely changes word form.

1.                 DERIVATIONAL MORPHEME
The basic concept of DERIVATIONAL MORPHEME is that they derive new words. In the following examples, DERIVATIONAL MORPHEME are added to produce new words which are derived from the “parent word” (root).
·                    Happy – happiness
          (adj)            (noun)
·                   Examine – examination
(verb)          (noun)
·                   Beauty-beautiful-beautifully
(noun)  (adj)         (adverb)
·                    Danger- dangerous
           (noun)    (adj)
o  In all cases, the derived words means something. Different than the  rook, and the word class may change wih each derivation.
o  Denivation does not always cause the change of words class, but in such a case the meaning of word will usually be significantly different from the root.

Flowchart: Punched Tape: Different meaning from the root (different category) but still in the same word classes.

                     ( ADJ)        (ADJ)
                     (NOUN)      (NOUN)
                     (NOUN)       (NOUN)
                      (VERB)         (VERB)

o        Inflectional (the Process by which inflectional morphemes are attached to words ), allows speakers to Morphologically encode grammatical information see the following . EXAMPLE :
The word “girls” consist of two morphemes :
·        The free morpheme “girl” that describe a young female human being , and
·        The bound morpheme “s” that denotasi plural number.
Note that both “girl” (as singular) and “girls “ (as plural) are in the same word class, that is noun.
o        English is no longer a highly inflected language. But it has some inflectional endings, such as :
·        -s (third person singular present tense)
·        -ed (past tense)
·        -ing(progressive tense)
·        -en(past participle)
·        -s(plural)
·        -‘s(posessive)
·        -er(comprerative)
·        -est(superlative)
Example of Morphological encoding of other grammatical categories that can be considered as the inflectional markers are :
-         Past tense ( regular verb-ed)
·        Walk                    walked
(verb)            (verb)
-         Progressive (-ing form)
·        Walk           walking
(verb)                   (verb)
-         Person ( the addition of “s” for 3 rd  person singular.
·        Walk                    walks
(verb)                   (verbs)
-         Plurality (the “s” in plural form)
·        Car             cars
(noun)         (noun)

Whather or not word class
Changes and how significantly
Meaning is affected
“derivation” always create
New word existing ones, while
“inflection” is merely limited
To change word form

“An allomorph is one of two or more complementary morphs (the phonetics realization of morpheme), which manifest a morpheme in its different phonoligical or morphologicial environments ”.
(source : summer institute of linguistics (sl)  internasional ).
This is How Morph & Morpheme deal with Allomorph
“ A morpheme is indicated as one or more morphs(surface forms) in different environments. These morphs are called allomorphs “.
Compare with:
“ A phoneme is indicated as one or more phones (phonetic sounds )in different environments. These phones are called allophones.
The Allomorphs of a morpheme are derived from phonologicial rules and any morphophonemic rules that may apply to that morpheme.

1.     The plural morphemes in english , usually written as {s}, has least three allomorphs :
·        {s} as in ‘hats ( haets)
·        {z} as in ‘dogs (‘dagz)
·        (iz) as in boxes (‘baksiz)


47 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. I like your post. So easy to understand, It is my opinion. And don't forget visiting my blog

    1. oke, thanks the commentar about my materi. and i already visited your blog . :)

  3. Miss mike , your explaination its good , i like it mike , :) :)
    would you give me example derivational morphemes in one sentence ?? mohon jawabannya miss mike :)

    1. For example, in the word happiness, the addition of the bound morpheme -ness to the root happy changes the word from an adjective (happy) to a noun (happiness). In the word unkind, un- functions as a derivational morpheme, for it inverts the meaning of the word formed by the root kind.

    2. della thank you comment , but di sinisaya telah mencari di web, buku, example no sentences. just For example, derivational morphemes can transform a word like friend in the following ways:Nouns






  4. hello mike, i want to ask with you.. can you explain to me about type of morphology, cause i can't get the point what you mean :) thx

    1. There are two types of morphemes: Bound and Free. Thus a work like ‘unfaithful’ has ‘un’ and ‘ful’ as bound morphemes because they cannot express their meanings individual while ‘faith’ is a free morpheme because it can do the otherwise. Morpheme also has The concept of ‘morph’ which recognises that a morpheme has a phonetic shape. This phonetic representation is called its morph. The word writer has two morphemes, write and -er. These are realizable in the phonetic shapes as /rait/ and/-∂:/. These are two morphs of the morpheme (or word in this case). Closely allied is the concept of Allomorph. We have noted that it sometimes manifests itself in various phonetic shapes or forms. The plural morpheme can be realized as /-s/ or /-z/ or /-iz/ and so on. Similarly, the past tense morpheme can appear as /-d/, /-t/, /-id/, and /-q/. Each of these morphs belongs to the same morpheme.

  5. Nice mike :) but could you tell me morpheme itu yang kayak apa ? Yang word itu yg kayak apa ? Thankyouuu

    1. thanks nabila .
      Word dan Morphemes

      Word dan Morphemes

      Word dan morphemes memang sekilas memiliki ciri yang hampir sama baik dari arti maupun bentuknya. Namun pada dasarnya, word dan morphemes memiliki perbedaan yang bisa sekali dilihat. Sehubungan dengan adanya materi tentang morphemes, saya akan mencoba memaparkan kepada anda tentang pengertian morphemes dan word beserta contohnya, agar kita bisa membedakannya.

      Word (kata) adalah satuan rangkaian huruf yang membentuk sebuah ikatan yang memiliki arti
      Morphemes merupakan rangkaian-rangkaian yang terdapat pada penyusunan sebuah kata yang structurenya mempunyai arti.

      Contoh, “They are students “ wordnya ada 3 yaitu : they, are, student
      Dan memiliki 4 morphemes yaitu : they-are-student-s
      Imbuhan-imbuhan yang terdapat pada kata dapat juga disebut dengan morphemes, maupun 2 kata yang dijadikan 1 juga bisa desebut morphemes. Contohnya : “phonology” bermorphemes 2 yaitu phono-logy.

      Word (kata) memiliki 2 jenis yaitu :

      Close word : kata yang tidak bisa ditambahkan, contohnya kata yang termasuk golongan; article, pronoun, conjuction, prepotition

      Open word: kata yang dapat ditambahkan, contohnya kata yang teramsuk golongan; noun, verb, adverb, adjective.

      Morphemes memiliki 2 jenis juga yaitu :

      Morphemes yang bisa berdiri sendiri yang juga disebut dengan free morphemes,
      Dan morphemes yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri yang juga bisa disebut dengan bound morphemes.
      Contohnya :
      I prepared the books
      Free morphemes I-prepare-the-book
      Bound morphemes: -ed, -s

  6. Assalamualaikum mike,apakah morphology ini cuman membahas tentang bagaimana suatu kata yang baru itu dihasilkan? Seperti kata im dengan possible,im artinya tidak,possible mungkin,jadi kalo imposibble(mustahil),apakah pembahasan perbedaan morphology dengan syntax? Selamat malam

    1. iya jadi kalau di dalam morfologi hanya mempelajati tentang katadan kalimat, mulai dari morpheme .membuat kata baru ada akronim,synonim, dsb.. kalau syntax mempelajari tentang noun phrases, verb pharases . jadi mempelajari ilmu pasti .

  7. Nice mike :D
    good post,explanation
    and good luck

  8. terlalu monoton teks. agak pusing gimana gitu liatnyaa.. sorry

  9. Nice posting kak mike, butbif you give the picture that make you're post nice..

  10. And can you tell me about DERIVATIONAL MORPHEME just simple answer..?

    1. Derivation adalah suatu proses pembentukan kata melalui penambahan affix (imbuhan), yang dapat berupa prefix (awalan) dan atau suffix (akhiran). Kata baru yang dihasilkan akan memiliki arti yang berbeda dari kata dasarnya.
      Contoh Derivation:

      noun: threefold= threeroot + foldsuffix
      verb: enclose= enprefix + closeroot
      adjective: interchangeable= interprefix + changeroot + ablesuffix
      adverb: retell= reprefix + tellroot

    2. Derivation adalah suatu proses pembentukan kata melalui penambahan affix (imbuhan), yang dapat berupa prefix (awalan) dan atau suffix (akhiran). Kata baru yang dihasilkan akan memiliki arti yang berbeda dari kata dasarnya.

  11. And can you tell me about DERIVATIONAL MORPHEME just simple answer..?

  12. Kak mike, I like your point about morphology, and I think it is complete, but you can add an image or ppt or video to support your post to be more interesting,
    Thank you for your good posting today ..

    1. thanks mbak asri. oke saya akan masukkan video nya .

  13. Nice post mike,,maybe you can mengatur tulisan nya lebih rapi lagi,supaya readers tidak bingung..thanks mike..

  14. Assalamualaikum mike..
    i want to ask with you can you explain to me about FREE MORPHEME karena saya belum mengerti dengan materi yang mike posting tentang free morfheme..
    thank you..

    1. Examples:
      Simple words: the, run, on, well
      Compound words: keyboard, greenhouse, bloodshed, smartphone

      Morphemes that can only be attached to another part of a word (cannot stand alone) are called bound morphemes.
      pre-, dis-, in-, un-, -ful, -able, -ment, -ly, -ise
      pretest, discontent, intolerable, receive

      Complex words are words that are made up of both free morpheme(s) and bound morpheme(s), or two or more bound morphemes.

    2. FREE MORPHEME adalah kata yang dapat berdiri sendiri (independent) serta berpotensi untuk membentuk kata. Free morpheme ini terbagi lagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu lexical morpheme dan functional morpheme .
      a. Lexical Morpheme
      morpheme ini dapat menerima imbuhan baik suffix ( awalan ) ataupun prefix(akhiran).
      -homes (noun)
      -endanger (verb)
      b. Functional Morpheme
      yaitu morpheme yang tidak dapat menerima imbuhan , seperti :
      -preposition : at,on,in,dll
      -pronoun : i,you,they,we,she,he,it
      -conjunction :and,or,but,dll
      -interjection : wow,huff,ah,dll
      -article: a, an, the
      -demostrative : that,this,these,those

  15. Hallo mike , can you give the more example about prefixes and suffixes in derivational morphology , thankyou:)

    1. hello ratna
      Sort the prefixes in the words below into the following seven categories according to meaning:
      a. Time
      b. Number
      c. Place
      d. Degree
      e. Privative
      f. Negative, and
      g. Size

      Each category has two prefixes. After you have classified the prefixes, use a dictionary to identify whether the prefix is native English, Latin, or Greek in origin.
      postdate maladjusted macrocosm forewarn
      bifocal outdoor hyperactivity demilitarize
      megawatt defrost polyglot nonentity
      disclose foreshadow macroeconomics malpractice
      polygon bisexual postelection nonsmoker
      subway disarm megalosaur outhouse
      ultraconservative hyperthyroidism subfloor ultraviolet

    2. Sort the suffixes in the words below according to their class-changing function. The categories include the following:
      (a) N > N
      (b) V > N
      (c) A > N
      (d) N/A > V
      (e) N > A
      (f) V > A
      (g) N/A > Adv

      (There are two examples of each suffix.)
      broaden syntactic width idealism
      participant falsehood closure straighten
      rhetorician clockwise refusal vaccinate
      gangster stardom warmth tireless
      twofold trial accidental selfish
      advisory likelihood friendless politician
      conservatism mobster kingdom facilitate
      inhabitant contradictory boyish seizure
      manifold stepwise thankless global
      historic penniless

  16. hey mike..can you fix your blog ? it can make the reader confuse mike

    1. it's oke thanks tm . i know with posting me make the reader confuse . i improve again . thanks tm :)

  17. Hallo mikeee waw hahaha i like ur blog, it will be better if u give animation;) . can u give me more example of INFLECTIONAL?;)

    1. Inflections

      Inflection is the name for the extra letter or letters added to nouns, verbs and adjectives in their different grammatical forms. Nouns are inflected in the plural, verbs are inflected in the various tenses, and adjectives are inflected in the comparative/superlative. Here are some of the most important inflection rules:

      Original word type Inflection Rule Examples
      Words ending with a sibilant: -s/-ss/-sh/-ch/x.

      Words ending with the letter -o. Add -es in the plural noun or 3rd person singular verb. bus → buses (n) / busses (v)
      miss → misses
      wish → wishes
      watch → watches
      fox → foxes
      potato → potatoes
      do → does
      Words ending consonant - y. Change the -y to ie before the ending -s. party → parties
      study → studies
      cry → cries
      Words ending consonant - y. Change the -y to i before the endings -ed/-er/-est/-ly. try → tried
      happy → happier
      easy → easiest
      Words ending consonant - y. Do NOT change the -y before the ending -ing. carry → carrying
      try → trying
      Words ending vowel - y. Do NOT change the -y. buy → buys
      play → played
      Words ending with the letters -ie. Change the -ie to a - y before the ending -ing. die → dying
      lie → lying
      Verbs ending consonant -e. Omit the -e before the ending -ing. ride → riding
      love → loving
      write → writing
      provide → providing
      One-syllable words ending consonant-vowel-consonant.

      Two or more syllable words ending consonant-vowel-consonant that are stressed on the last syllable. Double the last consonant before the endings -ing/-ed/-er/-est. hit → hitting
      stop → stopped
      wet → wetter
      fat → fattest
      begin → beginning
      prefer → preferred
      Two or more syllable words ending consonant-vowel-consonant that are stressed on the first syllable. Do NOT double the last consonant before the endings -ing/-ed/-er/-est. happen → happening
      visit → visited

  18. Hi mike, i think tm's argument is a good idea.
    hmm so, can you give me some description of the connection between ALLOMORPH and morpheme???

    1. The main difference between morpheme and allomorph is that morpheme is concerned with the meaning and structure of a word whereas allomorph is concerned with the sound.
      What is a Morpheme

      A morpheme is a minimal unit of meaning in a language. It can be defined as the smallest, meaningful, morphological unit in a language that cannot be further divided or analyzed. In linguistics, morphemes are classified into two categories. They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. A free morpheme is a word, that is, a free morpheme is a meaningful unit. Some examples of free morphemes include

      hat, believe, cheap, talk, red, new, cow, deliver, legal, etc.

      Note that all free morphemes are words, but not all words are morphemes.





    2. Bound Morphemes can be further divided into two categories called derivational and inflectional morphemes. Derivational morpheme is a morpheme that is added to the (the base form) of the word to derive a new word.
      Example 1:

      Danger ⇒ Dangerous

      Beauty ⇒ Beautiful

      Example 2:

      Visible ⇒ invisible

      Believe ⇒ Disbelieve

      Derivational morphemes often change the word class of a word. (as in example 1)
      Even if the word class remains unchanged, the meaning of the word will undergo a significant difference. (as in example 2)

      In contrast, inflectional morphemes do not cause a change in the meaning or word class, they merely serve as grammatical markers. They indicate some grammatical information about a word.

      Danced –Past Tense

      Vans – Plural

      Raining – Progressive
      What is an Allomorph

      Allomorph is a variant form of a morpheme. It can be simply described as a unit of meaning that varies in sound without changing its meaning. Allomorph is an alternative pronunciation of a morpheme in a particular context.

      For instance, the plural morpheme in English, generally written as {s} has 3 allomorphs.

      /s/ as in cats

      /z/ as in dogs

      /ɪz/ as in boxes

      The past form morphemes also have three allomorphs.

      /d/ as in slammed

      /t/as in slipped

      /ɪd/ as in stilted

      Difference Between Morpheme and Allomorph

      Morpheme is the minimal unit of meaning in a language.

      Allomorph is a unit of meaning that varies in sound without changing its meaning.

      Morphemes can be a word or part of a word.

      Allomorphs are often a part of a word.

      Morphemes are concerned with the structure and meaning of words.

      Allomorphs are concerned with the sound of words.

  19. hallo mike, your blog is good, but i think sebaiknya penjelasannya lebih dipersingat lagi, karna penjelasannya terlalu panjang, semangat mike.

  20. Haihai Mike Yulfa Acmi... mw comment dong emm blog kamu menarik deh templatenta, tunjukin dong cara buat template kyak gini, tapi sepertinya slide gambar yang di atas bisa di ubah deh biar lebih menarik... oya tentang morphology aku mw tanya nih, menurut Mike intinya morphology ini membahas tentang apa sih? soalnya banyak banget pengertiannya... good luck ^^

  21. Morfologi adalah cabang linguistik yang mengidentifikasi satuan-satuan dasar bahasa sebagai satuan gramatikal. Morfologi mempelajari seluk-beluk bentuk kata serta pengaruh perubahan-perubahan bentuk kata terhadap golongan dan arti kata.

  22. Assalamualaikum mike....
    your blog simple, i cukup understand, saya mau keritik blognya sedikit ya!!! kalo bisa gambar blog nya diubah biar kelihatan lebih menarik, soalnya kurang nyaman aja :)
    i want ask with you, mengapa ya didalam morfology yang kita perhatikan alasan gramatikal sedangkan alasan social nya tidak diperhatikan ???itu aja

    thank ya mike :)

  23. hai mike , nice post

    mike can you explain different free morfheme and bound morfeme? thank you

  24. hello mike tolong jelaskn lebih rinci lagi apa itu morfhema
    maksih mike
