Mid semester
What is
Sociolinguistics ?
Sociolinguists is the study of the
relationship between language and society. Sociolinguistics describes
language in society, especially the differences or variations that someone does
in using language. There are two type of Sociolinguistic:
- Sociolinguistics:
It’s main focus is “Society on Language”.that means formal language that is use
depend on place or situation such as when students and the teacher at a class,
they know to use polite language.
- Sociology
of Language: It’s main focus is “Languages effects on society”. It is the
effect of society language. Time by time language has changes style, accent and
etc. Such as bahasa alay,gaul or slang)
Why do we learn Sociolinguistics ?
Because The study of sociolinguistics can give everyone an opportunity to
build awareness in such important issues as language variation, language
policy, and language and education. It can be a powerful tool in solving
social, educational and political problems of our society. The knowledge of
sociolinguistics can be applied in a broad range of areas, starting with
personal relationships (language and gender, language and age), and going as
far as the global community (language policy and linguistic diversity).
What is the relation between language and society ?
Language has a social function. It helps us to establish and mantain
relationships. Meaning, while language is principally used for communication
purposes, it is also used to establish and mantain social relationships. Also,
the users of the same language speak differently from each other. The kind of
language each of them chooses to use is in part determined by his social
background. Thus, language, in turn, reveals information about its speaker. So,
when we talk about the relationship between language and society, it is an
exploration of a bidirectional relationship between the language and its users.
Please mention and explain the branches of
linguistics ?
1. General
linguistic generally describes the concepts and categories of a particular
language or among all language. It also provides analyzed theory of the
Descriptive linguistic describes or
gives the data to confirm or refute the theory of particular language explained
2. Micro linguistic is narrower view. It is concerned internal view of
language itself (structure of language systems) without related to other
sciences and without related how to apply it in daily life. Some fields of
micro linguistic:
a. Phonetics, the study of the physical properties of sounds of human language
b. Phonology, the study of sounds as discrete, abstract elements in the
speaker's mind that distinguish meaning
c. Morphology, the study of internal structures of words and how they can be
d. Syntax, the study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences
e. Semantics, the study of the meaning of words (lexical semantics) and fixed
word combinations (phraseology), and how these combine to form the meanings of
f. Pragmatics, the study of how utterances are used (literally, figuratively,
or otherwise) in communicative acts
g. Discourse analysis, the analysis of language use in texts (spoken, written,
or signed)
h. Applied linguistic is the branch of linguistic that is most concerned with
application of the concepts in everyday life, including language-teaching.
3. Macro linguistic is broadest view of language. It is concerned external
view of language itself with related to other sciences and how to apply it in
daily life. Some fields of micro linguistic:
a. Stylistics, the study of linguistic factors that place a discourse in
b. Developmental linguistics, the study of the development of linguistic
ability in an individual, particularly the acquisition of language in
c. Historical linguistics or Diachronic linguistics, the study of language
d. Language geography, the study of the spatial patterns of languages.
e. Evolutionary linguistics, the study of the origin and subsequent
development of language.
f. Psycholinguistics, the study of the cognitive processes and representations
underlying language use.
g. Sociolinguistics, the study of social patterns and norms of linguistic
h. Clinical linguistics, the application of linguistic theory to the area of
Speech-Language Pathology.
i. Neurolinguistics, the study of the brain networks that underlie grammar and
j. Biolinguistics, the study of natural as well as human-taught communication
systems in animals compared to human language.
i. Computational linguistics, the
study of computational implementations of linguistic structures.
5. What is
standard language ? Giving an example !
A standard
language is a variety of language that is used by governments, in the media, in
schools and for international communication. There are different standard
varieties of English in the world, such as North American English, Australian
English and Indian English. Although these standard varieties differ in terms
of their pronunciation, there are few differences in grammar between them.
Example: one regional has different
standar language to another regional like pronounciation, dialect, structure,
and vovabulary), a language in a textbook.
6. Elaborating the language , dialect and accent, please!
Language is
a system that consists of the development, acquisition, maintenance and use of
complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so; and
a language is any specific example of such a system.
Dialects are
language varieties used by regional or social groups. These groups define
themselves or are defined by others by different extralinguistic factors such
as age, ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic status.
An accent is
a particular way of pronouncing a language.
Everyone has
its own way in using a language that depends on the culture, regional, gender,
ethnic, etc. Because of that, they may have their dialect to make different to
others like where they are from (one region has different dialect to another
region). Beside that, although they live in same place or area or region or
have same culture, ethnic, they can have different accent, how they pronounce a
sound in same word.
7. Giving an example of formal language and informal
language !
Formal language is
more common when we write; informal language is more common when we speak.
However, there are times where writing can be very informal, for example, when
writing postcards or letters to friends, emails or text messages. There are
also examples where spoken English can be very formal, for example, in a speech
or a lecture.
language is more commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve
people we know well.
In Formal = I
think, job,sorry,to get, just a note to say.
Formal = it
is my opinion that ,occupation, please accept our appologies for,to receive,i’m
writing to inform you .
8. What aspects of language are sociolinguistics
interested in ?
are interested in explaining why people speak differently in different social
contexts. They are concerned with the way people signal aspects of their social
identity through language. Sociolinguists study the effect of social factors --
such as social distance, social status, age, gender and class -- on language
varieties (dialects, registers, genres, etc). Sociolinguists are also concerned
with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to
convey social meaning.
9. When two or more people from different language met
and tried to communicate, what should they do ?
a. Pidgin
b. Creole
c. Lingua franca
Pidgins :
language is nobody's native language. it may arise when two speakers of
different languages with no common language try to hold a
conversation. Pidgins used in certain situation. Such as trade, colonisiation.
Because of the different language they make a new language to understand each
consist by simple word or language.
two people met from different language. Pidgin is the simple language of
vocabulary, grammar that often used in colonies,trade, so that they create new
language. It is small language. When colonies want to buy something in
indonesia . how many? Fiv tousend sir.
b. Creole : Actually it het from pidgin
itself. Sucha s trade communication as mother toung in a region Creoles is a
language that was originally a pidgin but has become nativized, i.e. a
community of speakers claims it as their first language. When they met. Such as
papua and manado met, they have same mother tongue but a little differenches
about the language’ using. Sam like betawi and ambon too.
Franca: is bahasa pengantar. Such as bahasa indonesia is used to all region in
indonesia such as in school, office, seminar, ceremony, etc. If they met they
should use lingua franca in the events
10. Why do people switch and mix a language ?
Because It is the process of learn.
We we want to learn new language we have to step by step changes our language.
Code-switching is changing event from one code to another. Include the utterence and sentences to change
to other language. For example, at first someone uses Indonesian language, and
then he/she switches into Javanese because his friend a javaness. So make each
other understand. This event manifests in switch of regional, social, style
variantion. second example in switching. When we met someone from our culture
or etnict we easy to speak with them. We change our language if before we use
indonesia language then when met someone else we switch it to minangness,
malayness, etc.
The use of two or more language by putting in/inserting one language into other
language consistently. It just mix word
or phrase.If the speaker mixes his/her code/language, then it must be asked who
the speaker is: his/her social background, level of education, religion, etc.
Such as: in english class, a students ask his friends “please accompany me to
kamar mandi lah..” from these exemple we know there are two languages that has
been used
Second example, if we are in english class as
a beginner to speak language we mix indonesia-english language in one sentence.
The purpose of switch and mix is to make our interlucator understand what we
said to them.
11. Giving an example of code switching and code mixing ?
Code mixing
: jawa ngoko mixed with jawa krama-inggil , wah baksone pun telas mas, pados
liyane mawon . in this sentence, the speaker mixes jawa ngoko, liyane, with
jawa krama inggil, pun, telas, mawon .
Code mixing
: english language mixed with indonesia language. Saya sedangtidak bisa
berpikir, otakku blank. With indonesian language saya, sedang, tidak bisa,
berpikir, otakku.
Code switching
: if you have an exam next week, simdiden calismaya baslamalisin.
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