Group 2 Language , Dialect and Varieties
Dikky , fenny , susi
Question :
Why is social background more influence the
person compare social dialect ? ( MIKE YULFA )
Can show more example the regional dialect and
social dialect ? (RATNA SARI)
Explain different between language and dialect ?
How can language different in other language ?
Why language and dialect are ambigous term? (
Social background is the social language that
always we used in daily activities depend on social enviroment and geographic
background is born there or from there , the language that we used suitable with our
origin socio background very influence our language compared geographic
background for example : There is the people from west sumatera , based on his
origin he uses minang language and when he moves to Java and their social
background changes by the time his language will be changes to Java language
because his social background uses Java language .
Regional dialect based on their regional for
example in sumatera barat used minang language in java used java language ect. Example
in british english : pavement , boot,bonnet, petrol, baggage. In american
english : sidewalk, trunk, hood, gas, luggage.
Social dialect based on our language in
every activities for example language between friends, teacher and students,
parents and child ect. Example: african american vernacular english : uses a
number of different phrases, word order changes andsound differences, some “rap”
has these characterictics changes. We will talk more about BEV later it is a
complex social dialect. Jewish speakers of english in new york : for example
might say the word “dog” with a vowel
sound more similar to book, so “doog”. Italian speakers of english in new york
: for example might say words like bad and bag with a vowel sound resembling “beard”
so something like bead and beag.
Language : a body of words and the systems for their use common to people who are of the
same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural
Dialect: type of language spoken consist of
vocabulary, syntax, grammar, and pronounciation.
Because there are social dialect and regional
dialect social dialect is difference speech associate with various social
groups . social dialects create among social groups and are related to a
variety of factors such as social class, religion, and ethnicity. Certain differences
from geographical area one to another in pronounciation , in the selecting and
constructing of words, and in syntax ofa language such distinctive of local
variety are called regional dialects .
No one really knows what is language real mean. Sometimes
language have ambigu meaning . example : i am fine , means someone still in
good condition or good feeling . but in fact, i am fine is not always means
okay , but also something wrong happened with someone’s feeling . by the case,
we see that language and dialect is ambiguous .