Simple Definition of semantics
“The word semantics is derived from the Greek semaino, meaning, to signify or mean. Semantics is part of the larger study of signs, semiotics. It is the part that deals with words as signs (symbols) and language as a system of signs (words as symbols)." (Hipkiss, 1995:ix)Menurut Hipkiss kata semantik diambil dari Yunani Semaino, yang bermakna Menandai atau memaknai. Semantik adalah bagian dari bidang studi tentang makna yang lebih luas yaitu semiotics. Semantik juga bagian yang membahas tentang simbol, tanda dan bahasa sebagai satu kesatuan sistem simbol.
Sementara itu, Saeed (2003:3) secara ringkas memaknai semantik sebagai berikut:
“Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language.”
Lebih pendek lagi, Hurford dan Heasley (1983:1) mendefinisikan semantik dengan sangat sederhana, mereka mengatakan:
"Semantics is the study of meaning in Language."
Selain itu, Palmer (1976:1) memaknai semantik sebagai salah satu bagian dari cabang ilmu linguistics. Ia menjelaskan bahwa:
"Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning, and since meaning is a part of language, semantics is a part of linguistics."
Menurut Palmer, semantik adalah istilah yang digunakan yang mengacu pada ilmu bidang makna, dan karena makna adalah bagian dari bahasa, maka semantik adalah bagian dari cabang ilmu linguistik.
Examples of semantics in a sentence
- More than semantics is at stake. In the case of obesity, the debate has heightened in the wake of major diet-pill recalls last year. Many new diet nostrums are in various stages of testing, and the FDA's bar for approving new drugs is lower for disease treatments than for other problems, such as baldness or skin wrinkles. —Laura Johannes et al., Wall Street Journal, 9 Feb. 1998
- Over the years Wierzbicka has gained a distinct reputation for playing hardball with others in the linguistics community. Though her rhetoric can be rather scathing at times, there is no question that her studies in semantics are a force to be reckoned with. —Joseph Hilferty, Word, April 1997References
Saeed, John I. 2003. Semantics. 2nd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Ltd
Hipkiss, Robert. A. 1995. Semantics: Defining The Discipline. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hurford, James R. and Heasley, Brendan. 1983. Semantics: A Coursebook. Cambridge University Press.
Palmer, F.R. 1976. Semantics. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press.